Tuesday, 24 December 2019

Merry Christmas one and all!

As we roll on into Christmas I am always reminded of the start of my chemotherapy, which I chose to begin on 19th December. That year I sat cuddled in blankets on the day itself, feeling a bit queasy, and dozing in front of the TV.

It seems ages ago now, and here I am still hale and hearty as far as I can discern, and ready for Christmas tomorrow and then in a few days to greet a new year.  For that I am most thankful and grateful to all those lovely chemo nurses, my naturopathic nutritionist, my Journey therapist, numerous friends who provided contacts and advice, all those who prayed for my survival, my amazing family,  my consultant, my reiki therapist, my oncologist and my brilliant surgeon, plus the numerous staff at the three hospitals who did tests, took blood, arranged x-rays. Thank you all for my life.  Here's to 2020!