Friday, 4 March 2011

Slightly strange

Not sure how I feel today, slightly strange is probably the best description. I've discovered a new drink which is nice at this time of heightened smell and odd flavour experiences: ginger tea. One of the legacies from the week away was that we came home with a whole pile of ginger. If I use a garlic press and crush a slice, I get ginger juice and squashy bits, which when added to hot water make a lovely tea.

I did have a desire to get onto the rowing machine this morning in the hope that speeding up my metabolism might make the effects of the chemo pass quicker. But common sense has grabbed hold of me. Given that various side effects are being clevery masked by steroids and anti-nausea drugs, I won't be able to read my body's signals too well. So it's probably wise to proceed with caution.

So instead I'm spending the day learning the music notation program so that I can start converting my father's recorder arrangements into digital files.

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