Sunday, 10 April 2011

Can it really be April?

Hard to believe isn't it - that it's only just into the second week of April and here I am with a bronzed demeanour finding that for the most part the sun is just too hot to be within its rays for very long. Whether it's the weather or the glorious spring, I don't know, but I'm definitely not feeling half as grotty as I would normally do at this stage of the cycle. In fact in the last two days I've embarked upon a job which I'd had saved up ready for retirement - repair of the double quilt.

I made the quilt in the lead up to the birth of our third daughter and it is even embroidered with my name and the date. It has been used on our bed on and off for the 27 years since I completed it and in certain places has actually worn away. So the task is to patch the patchwork quilt and then create around it a much wider margin so that in future it's not the actual patchwork that gets worn but a border.

I'm quite proud of the quilt - if you visit do ask and I'll show it to you - because the pattern is entirely mine and meant to capture the wide variety of colours and shades found in leaded windows. So it has nine diamonds in each panel interspersed with a dark lattice. As soon as I finish updating you here I'll be back outside in a shady nook with my pins and needles to finish the patching job. Later in the week I hope to get materials for the border. Once that's all done then it'll be time to do the last quarter of the dinining room decoration. No rest for the wicked eh?

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