Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Time to relax

It's been hectic for the past few months as many of you will know.  It's been hectic for the nicest of reasons; our youngest daughter was getting married and she wished to have a traditional wedding: church service, a procession to the reception in a marquee in a neighbour's field,  And so she did. It all went splendidly, nothing went wrong and the sun shone just when it needed to. It was only a couple of weeks ago - not even that in fact - and yet in that short time we've gone from summer to what feels like the depths of winter.

I volunteered to make The Dress which turned out to be slightly more stressful than I'd imagined.  I needn't have worried for on the day she looked wonderful, stunningly beautiful and the dress not only stood up to a whole day and evening's activities, it survived a strenuous dance routine that the couple had practised in advance.

When we went back to the house afterwards it was a complete mess - shoes everywhere, bits of people's clothing strewn all around, a half a bottle of Moet open and full of flies (now I know why she was so late getting to the church) and hair pins, make-up you name it, liberally sprinkled over every surface.  I didn't rush at it and I'm still preparing little parcels of things for various people to take away again.

Sometimes you get a horrible empty feeling after something really good, but that hasn't happened to me at all. I have a wonderful warn feeling when I think of the day and what a great time we all had and how much fun it all was, especially in the evening. All in all, a good wedding. And now, for the first time, I am a mother-in-law, which I'm finding rather nice.

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