Friday, 3 April 2020

Life's settling down

It's very strange this new life. For me, it has changed very little. I was quite house-centric in the first place. I have never been one of those people who has to go out and about all the time. I like my firm and solid base.

Today is the first day that I've thought "what shall I do today?" because so far I've had a never-ending list of things that had various degrees of urgency attached to them. Those tasks have been interspersed with Zoom (it's a communication platform where you can talk to several people at once) meetings, song circles, virtual ceilidhs, chats with the children and grandchildren. I've put down the job I've been doing every time the sun has comes out; Vitamin D is so important to protect against bronchial viral and bacterial infections I gather. Here's an interesting video on the topic.

Those people who are super vulnerable have received letters from their GPs and I can only presume that I'm not, as I haven't had that letter. Despite that, I'm keeping clear of anyone and everyone who doesn't live with me.

For those who are reading this and not resident in the UK, we have a regime here which has basically locked-down all but essential workers. We're advised to take exercise once a day, but unnecessary journeys are discouraged. Put it this way, if you drive up to the Peak District to have a nice day out and a picnic, you're likely to be asked to account for your actions by the local police force. There is legislation available should the authorities need to take enforcement action, and it's being used in extreme cases. For instance, one chap decided to walk into and around a hospital for no good reason. Her Majesty has very generously made him her guest for a period. Very sensibly in my opinion.

A neighbour here has been shopping for us but I really don't want her to be taking risks so I stayed up late and managed to book a delivery slot with one of the online retailers last night. With deliveries of things beside milk from the milkman, we should soon be self-reliant, which I would prefer.

The worst thing for me about all this is the constant and unremitting media coverage and the biased stories and uninformed comment. I keep myself pretty well up-to-date with news direct from the news source and really resent re-hashed and  inaccurate stories from the major players. You would think wouldn't you, that in the circumstances, they would be more responsible - but no.

One thing that has surprised me is that I'm sleeping so soundly. I had a few bad nights at the start, before we were locked down, but since the imposition of rules I've found sleep easy to come by. Strange but true.

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