Thursday, 6 January 2011

Wednesday 22 December

Anticipating heavy snow at the hospital I booked a hotel within walking distance of the hospital and we spent last night there. The owner was happy to let us leave the car in her car park for the duration of our stay - indeed invited us to park there on future occasions, even if we didn't stay, which was exceptionally generous of her. We eat at the hotel in the evening. This morning we looked out of the window and confirmed that our decision has been a wise one. Of course our 8.30 am appointment turned into a 9.45 am one because the staff had incredible difficulty reaching the hospital. As a consequence of that and various delays from the pharmacy it meant that we didn't get home until after 8 pm this evening. 
Nothing that happened to me today was in the least unpleasant. I relaxed in a very comfortable chair, making friends with other patients and reading an hysterical historical novel. I was given anti-sickness drugs. They put a line into my wrist and first administered saline to hydrate me, then a small amount of one of the chemotherapy drugs, then a large amount of another followed by more saline to ensure that I was hydrated enough. The final part was weighing to see whether I needed a diuretic - which I did, and have just taken. I also left with more drugs, in case I need them; one for counteracting nausea, another for constipation (which anti-nausea drugs can cause) and various mouth washes in case of a sore mouth.  At present I feel as normal as I did yesterday when we left home. 

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