It is exactly a week since the chemo was dripped into my blood stream and my body is doing an excellent job of sorting itself out, so much so that today I've been quite busy. There were presents to appreciate - for the first time in many cases - and wrapping paper and ribbons to put away, glasses to go back into the loft, ironing to be done. Yesterday I cleaned the sink and the top of the Aga so Andy knew I was feeling better!
My taste is not so much metallic as peculiar. I can't sort out a drink that I actually want to drink - even cold water doesn't really please. But today I had inspiration - hot Bovril - and I was right. The taste thing extends to food as well. We're having liver and bacon this evening followed by fresh pineapple and tomorrow a freshly made Thai green curry. When I think about it, the low immune state that I am now in is similar to pregnancy (apparently one's immune system is lowered to protect the baby) when strange food cravings also occur. So there could be some sense in all this. I'm a great believer in the body knowing what it needs to repair.
I've lost quite a bit of weight since I became a paragon of injestive virtue and started my wholesome diet three weeks ago. (OK - I know the hot Bovril doesn't fit - but cut me a bit of slack please!) This is no bad thing but soon I must fire up my overlocker and take some of my trousers in I think. Everyone who has seen me says how well I look and I suppose I do, if you excuse those slightly shaded eyes. If you wanted to reproduce it (as they do on those consumptively-made-up stick models) you'd choose a very dark maroon eyeshadow and place it immediately below and above the lashes to get the effect.
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