Wednesday 25 May 2011

Floral excess

A local charity runs a hanging basket service. I distinctly remember deciding that, as the baskets had gone up on price, I wouldn't buy any this year. Instead I took a trip to the garden centre and returned with a couple of ready-planted containers which simply fit into the baskets we already have. We also bought some trailing lobelia at the garage sale on Saturday.

So imagine my surprise when I received an email from the charity saying my three baskets were ready for collection. I queried it of course but, no, they found details of the cheque I'd paid back in October. We picked them up yesterday and even though the price was higher, they're certainly good value and brimming with plants.

We've now got three baskets at the front, one at the back and a whole host of pots planted up by the garden door. The consequences of my geriatric memory will be quite lovely in a few weeks when everything is at its height of flowering. I don't know about you, but here what rain we have had has made very little impact, so nightly watering will be essential.

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